Green Engage

Crowne Plaza Bratislava has sold over 450 000 guest rooms and hosted more than 540 000 guests as of 2005.

Crowne Plaza Bratislava has sold over 450.000 guest rooms and hosted more than 540.000 guests as of 2005.

As a result, a staggering number of hotel guests needed their linens washed, meals prepared, water for showers and toilets, energy for lights, heating and cooling. Thus, there is an enormous need for green hotel initiatives to minimize any impact on the environment.


Our environmentally responsible practices include:

  • Card-controlled energy in guest rooms
  • Centrally and locally controlled air-conditioning system in guest rooms and conference rooms
  • Centrally and locally managed lighting, efficient light bulbs, various lighting scenes, various light intensities
  • Savers installed on water and shower faucets and toilet flushing systems
  • Separate waste collection for paper /12.8 tons a year/, glass /25 m³ a year/, plastic /30 m³ a year/
  • Removal and disposalof hazardous chemical, electrical and biological waste – 5 tons a year
  • Oil, fat and starch abstraction from waste water /60 m³ a year/
  • Heat recovery from heating and cooling
  • Regular monitoring of gas equipment to reduce gas emissions and cleaning of air-conditioning equipment to increase environmental hygiene
  • Eco-friendly chemicals in all areas such as houseeeping, kitchens
  • Regionally produced fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs grown at the hotel garden
  • Recyclable plastic car parking and coat-checking cards
  • Electronic documents and e-mails
  • Only non-smoking public areas
  • Shutting down of unused hotel areas in low seasons
  • Ideal location close to public transportation
  • Converting light bulbs to LED accent lifting